
Installation of the swivel fittings

Installation of the swivel fittings
Swivel fittings is installed correctly, not only the performance of the swivel fittings into full play, at the same time prolong life, improve work efficiency,
Non-standard installation often use swivel fittings seal can not play the role, while the internal parts wear out quickly scrapped. So Mastering Regular Correct swivel fittings installation method is that each user must have.
(1) swivel fittings must be adjusted with the device at low speeds when connected, the device is adjusted to the rotor rotation of the swivel orfs fittings Heart maintaining concentricity, then the tight positioning.
(2) the housing swivel fittings are generally required to stop rotation (large size of the connector shell guide support required), this stop mechanism must be flexible nature, rather than rigid, in addition to limiting the rotation, the degree of freedom in other directions must be guaranteed, it is correct to use the right swivel fittings an important factor.
(3) generally metal hose connected to the rotary joint, the choice of length of the metal hose must be taken into account so that (2) in the above freedom is guaranteed. Some users implement a rotation stopper (2) in the taut metal hose with a method, which is far from the norm.

